“As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God’s varied grace.”
[1 Peter 4:10]
Parish Stewardship
At St. Mary’s Parish, there are many ways for you to give of your time and talents.
You may want to serve as a reader at Mass, a musician, a Mass server, an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, an usher, helping to bring Holy Communion to the homebound, or assisting with decorating the church—whatever fits your unique gifts and interests!
Contact the pastor or the parish office if you're interested in helping in any capacity.
To make financial stewardship easy, St. Mary’s offers all parishioners the opportunity to set up automatic deposits of your weekly/monthly church contributions (known as ACH Direct Debit).
Many churches are using direct debit already and parishioners find this to be a convenient, safe, and efficient method of handling their parish support. Simply fill out this Authorization Form and bring it to the parish office to get started.
If you do contribute through ACH, you will still need to pick up your box of support envelopes as the building fund and Holy Day envelopes are included.

Diocesan Annual Appeal
The Diocesan Annual Appeal is the annual effort of the Catholic community of the Diocese of La Crosse to respond to the Gospel challenge of Jesus Christ to love one another by contemplating God’s blessings in our lives and sharing our gifts to ensure that the vital ministries of the Church receive the financial support necessary. Emboldened by the Holy Spirit and nourished by the Eucharist, we strive to promote sharing the good news of the Gospel and living a life of stewardship in a manner that fund and sustains the mission of our diocese and the wider Church.
Each year, the Diocesan Annual Appeal provides each of us with the opportunity to embrace His call for us to live a life of stewardship and loving thy neighbor. Your support of the Diocesan Annual Appeal is the life blood of the 38 ministries of charitable and good works our diocesan community so gallantly provides. These ministries offer the healing, teaching, and redemptive presence of Jesus Christ throughout the nineteen counties of southwest Wisconsin.
The Diocesan Annual Appeal aims to reduce the need for second and special collections in parishes. The Annual Appeal collect funds for eleven different special collections. The funds raised are part of the global missionary distribution of the Church. Below are the collections that benefit from the Annual Appeal:
– Pontifical Good Friday Collection for the Holy Land
– Catholic Home Missions Collection
– Collection for Aid to the Church in Central and Eastern Europe
– Collection for the Church in Latin America
– Catholic Relief Services Collection
– Catholic Communication Campaign Collection
– Peter’s Pence Collection
– Black and Indian Missions Collection
– Catholic University of America Collection
– Diocese of La Crosse Home Mission Collection